Part I -Overveiw

Part I is a general beginning and does not refer to the book directly. It helps get your brain focusing on a lot of different areas, which will be broken down further in the other ‘parts’ of the book.

We will be Starting out Weekly allowing you to ease into the process, getting you SLOWLY moving and thinking, and giving you time to DO the action step. 

Part 2-We dive into the book. We will start providing actions steps every other day. The more action you take the more progress you will make and it will help you stay motivated and get you through the rough spots smoother. For best results read or listen to the Action step provided. The more action you put towards your dreams the more the universe knows you are serious and will start to pay attention, and to what you truly desire.

Doing the ACTION Steps is HUGE in your progress. Sharing your thoughts, feeling, struggles, successes , etc. in the comments (with others) will again demonstrate to the universe that you are serious about your intentions. your comments may help others work through struggles, and others comments may help you, even it only kick starts your brain in a direction it hadn't thought of. We can learn and grow from each other. It doesn’t matter how long ago a post/comment was so long as it is for action step you are on at the time.

Ideally when one person is stuck/struggling-something from someone else’s comments will help get their mind rolling and unstuck.

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